Both local government boards will meet tomorrow (March 27)

Both local governments have called for special meetings tomorrow (Thursday, March 27).

The town board will meet that day at 1:30p.m. at the train station to discuss improvements planned with funds from several forthcoming state grants.

The village board will meet later that day at 6p.m. to introduce its proposed budget for the fiscal year 2025-26 which begins June 1. Time has been devoted that evening to hear public comments on tentative budgets and to set dates for public workshop meetings in coming weeks.

There are several other items on the agenda including consideration of a new contract with Darwin Design to create a “Waterfront Park” sign for the back of the new baseball field scoreboard. The board will also consider possible sign revisions to the “Raquette Pond Stadium” sign. Both projects will be funded by the village’s waterfront revitalization grant program.

Before the board too tomorrow night will be Joseph Cormier’s resignation as a water and waste water worker.


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