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Town officials applaud Little Wolfstock organizers, town recreation department on staging of Field Day

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

At the beginning of last week’s monthly town board meeting, Supervisor Ricky Dattola took a moment to congratulate two local groups which he said produced stellar events in recent weeks.

The first acknowledgement of good work went to Paul Chartier and Daniel “Boonie” Carmichael, the two principle organizers of the August 3 Little Wolfstock IV at the town beach and campgrounds.

Of the hundreds of Tupper Lake High School alumni who came back home for the major musical reunion, he said “everyone had a great was a lot fun!”

He joked there were “a lot of older people there,” and it was nice to see everyone.

He offered “a shout out” also to the Little Wolf facility’s caretaker, Paul Mullen. The supervisor said according to comments from the Little Wolfstock organizers “Paul was very helpful to them.”

“The Lions Club did a good job” as the event’s official sponsor and the purveyor of the hamburgers and hot dogs from its cook trailer.

“The band were fantastic” from start to finish. “It was a very, very nice thing” for the community that brought so many former locals home.

Mr. Dattola also publicly acknowledged the good work of the staff of the town recreation department and their volunteer helpers on their July 20 production of the Tupper Lake Field Day- the third annual.

“I thought the entire day went very well and everyone seemed to have a really good time!”

Councilman Rick Donah, who was one of the parade judges, added to the supervisor’s kudos.

“I thought the event was very well organized” by Recreation Director Laura LaBarge and her team.”

He applauded this year’s continued focus on “youth activities” like the many kids’ games and “a family-friendly” atmosphere,” saying it was well received by local residents and many visitors.

“It drew tons of families and a lot of kids having a great time all throughout the day.”

He said he had stopped by the town hall that day to applaud Laura and Christielee Geiger, her assistantand on this year’s Field Day, and all the other good programs under their direction at Little Wolf Beach, the many youth sports and the very successful town day camp program.

“Their focus continues to be on the youth of the community,” and I think that’s the place it should be!

“The results of their many efforts are being seen by a lot of folks- both residents and visitors,” he concluded.

“We have a fantastic day camp and those guys do a terrific job with’s probably the best program of its kind in the North Country!” asserted Supervisor Dattola.