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Stitchin’ Bees bring vivid color, incredible workmanship with fabric to Tupper Arts

Dan McClelland

The Stitchin’ Bees quilting group brought vivid color and tons of handcrafted fabric together at Tupper Arts for another wildly successful quilting show in recent weeks.

Most of the quilts in the show, which filled almost the entire show room of the Tupper Arts center were machine-pieced by local and area quilters where the fabric pieces are sown together by a sewing machine.

A few quilts were of the variety called
art collage, where multiple pieces of fabric are overlaid on one another and secured with thread.

Some were “rag” style where squares of fabric, often flannel, are sewn together in such a way that the seam allowance is clipped. When washed a rag quilt tends to fray and soften.

Another type of quilt shown is called “appliqued” where pieces of fabric are sewn on top of other fabric, either by hand or with sewing machine.

Other quilts were embroidered where decorative stitches are sewn onto the fabric, either by hand or machine. Some quilts on display were a mix of techniques.