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Mac’s Safe Ride II rolling again every weekend with eye to keeping everyone safe

Dan McClelland

Mac’s Safe Ride II is back open for the summer every Friday and Saturday night from 8p.m. to 3a.m. as part of its ongoing mission to safely bring home folks out on the town and keep the streets and roads of our community accident-free.

The program started up for the year on Memorial Day weekend.

It’s a popular program that is open to both residents and visitors.

To operate Mac’s Safe Ride II relies on donations from thankful patrons and on several fundraisers each year.

Its director, Vivian Smith, and her dedicated board of directors work tirelessly to keep the program solvent and continuing to carry out their important mission, which many appreciate here.

The organization’s annual golf tournament is scheduled for August 31 this year at the Tupper 18 and golfers are encouraged to pencil that date onto their calendars.

Earlier in August, in conjunction with Little Wolfstock on August 3 Mac’s Safe Ride will be hosting a cornhole tournament there.