L.P. Quinn Elementary returning to pre-K to six next school year

by Dan McClelland

Superintendent of Schools Jaycee Welsh was visibly happy to announce last week that in the 2025-26 school year, the sixth grade is moving back to L.P. Quinn Elementary School.

She said with that move, L.P. Quinn will return to being a pre-kindergarten to sixth grade school. Accordingly, the middle school at the middle/high school building on Chaney Ave. will return to only seventh and eighth grades.

Last school year the sixth graders were moved to the high school building for the first time and the move wasn’t popular with some parents who thought mixing their sixth grade children with the older seventh and eighth graders wasn’t in the best interests of their children.

She explained that the fifth graders at the elementary school this year will not transition to the middle/high school building but just remain at L.P. Quinn Elementary for their sixth grade year.

The news brought smiles around the board table and from school administrators that evening.

Board President Jane Whitmore called the superintendent’s announcement “very, very welcome! I’m encouraged for our littlest learners!”


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