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Turkey Trot is back and registration is already open

Dan McClelland

Turkey Trot is back and organizers are meeting to prepare for this year's event. Say the new organizers, before you eat your turkey this Thanksgiving come support Tupper youth programs by running or waddling your way through the race.

Registration opened yesterday for the 11th annual Trot and those interested should visit the Tupper Lake Recreation Department at the town hall or its web site.

The Tupper Lake Kiwanis Club, which has been associated with the event for years is partnering with the town recreation department to sponsor the event which each year honors the late Erin Farkas Dewyea.

For years the event was organized by Erin’s parents and siblings in memory of the beloved elementary teacher here who was active in the community. Last year Mike and Cathy Farkas announced they were looking for another organization to run the holiday event and the town board stepped in with its town recreation department to add it to its ongoing events list.

In keeping with Erin’s spirit and love of youth, the event now will benefit Tupper Lake youth and youth programs.

For years the Turkey Trot benefitted a local scholarship and numerous other educational awards like a local teacher who most typified Erin’s enthusiasm for learning and love of kids.

The event this year will again be on Thanksgiving morning. Check-in will start at 8a.m. and the event begins at 9a.m. at the Tupper Lake Christian Center on Main St.

The event is a 5K walk or a 10K run. There will again be cash prizes in each.

As in the past too there will be raffles the day of the event and donations of prizes are needed and can be dropped off at the town hall.