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Plenty of fun amid lots of barking at recent “ADK Bark in the Park”

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

September 17th’s “ADK Bark in the Park” drew hundreds of happy pet owners eager to show off their pets to what appeared to be a very successful fundraiser for the good work of the Tri-lakes Humane Society. Thousands of dollars were raised for that work that day.

The event at the western end of the municipal park was both fun and entertaining for everyone- even for folks without pets.

In all there were 60 dogs brought by their owners. Of the canine guests, 22 were micro-chipped by volunteers for identification and 50 were vaccinated by Franklin County health officials on site that day.

Many of the volunteers that day, other than society faithful, were staff members of Adirondack Regional Federal Credit Union, one of the main sponsors of the annual event.

A number of the society’s volunteers were handling registration and admission and the distribution of a free beverage ticket and another for a free ice cream treat. In the photo at top were volunteers Kim Charland, a board member who took charge of this year’s advertising and who did a yeoman's job with the assignment, Lea Bedore, society president, Aimee Lynch, a board member and her husband, Matt.

Brock Gonyea entertained the crowd in his usual able fashion with his easy-listening country and western tunes. Brock was standing in for “Night School,” who couldn’t perform due to another commitment by Drummer Ryan Gillis.

Kate Harriman and Jack Skiff were handing complimentary soft drinks and other treats.

During our visit about 1p.m. Mike Bujold and Basil Farhat were tending the refreshment booth where the on-tap products of Raquette River Brewing were poured and red and white wines donated by local purveyors.

Second from top left, Stacey Callaghan and Carol Houle of the Adirondack Regional Federal Credit Union s were encouraging kids that day to stay inside the lines and produce the best coloring contest pieces they could. The best artists that day enjoyed some donated merchandise prizes- many of which were pet-related.

There was a dog obedience trainer on site, working with some of the dog owners.

The Arsenault clan- Matt, Amy and their daughter Genevieve brought their tiny pooch- named “Bear,” not for his size but for his determination.

Bear is a Cavalier King Charles breed.

Organizers of the fundraiser says they are already looking forward to next year’s event in the municipal park.

In addition to primary sponsors, Adirondack Regional Federal Creditit Union, One Group, Long Run Wealth Advisors and Martin and Dukett Accounting, were a number of contributors to the event. They included Able Abe Diversified Services, Adirondack Cheddar, ADK Food Oasis, Boulevard Wine & Spirits, Critters, the Tupper Lake Rescue Squad, Fairytale Dreams Photography, LaVigne’s IGA, Porkbusters BBQ, Raquette River Brewing, Sam’s Club, Shaheen’s IGA, Spruce and Hemlock, Stacked Graphics, Tupper Lake Supply, Tails of Long Lake, Tractor Supply, Village Mercantile and UPS.