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Board members show off new logo at new place

Dan McClelland

Some of the members of the board of the Tupper Lake History Museum show the group’s new logo banner Monday during the board’s first official visit to their new headquarters. The logo, sketched by one of the museum board members Marlene Hyde, was professionally improved enlarged onto a banner by Faith and Andrew McClelland at Spruce and Hemlock and Stacked Graphics. The Tupper Lake History Museum’s new logo carries its new motto: “Rooted in our past, focused on our future!” under its name with the words encircling a tree with branches and roots. From left are some of the museum’s board members in town on Labor Day: Stuart Amell, Jim Lanthier, Laurie Amell, Mary Richer, Kathleen Lefebvre, Patty Reandeau, Marlene Hyde, Joe Kimpflen, Dian Conor, Jeanette Keniston and Dan McClelland. (Photo by Paul Lefebvre).