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Village seeking public input on “The Junction Connects” NY Forward application projects

Dan McClelland

The Village of Tupper Lake is developing “The Junction Connects,” a NY Forward funding request. The Junction is Tupper Lake’s historic Main Street “downtown” commercial district, home to anchor businesses, local retail, tourism centered businesses and attractions like Raquette River Brewing, and the train station/trail hub soon to be the connection point of the Adirondack Rail Trail and scenic rail to Thendara/Old Forge.

For the past few weeks businesses and property owners have been submitting proposed projects for the application. In order to submit a winning application, the Village needs to hear your thoughts on projects that have been proposed for inclusion in the application. To share your thoughts on the projects online, please visit the project website between September 14 and September 18, 2022.

Here is a sampling of the projects the community will propose to achieve Tupper Lake’s vision of connecting Junction businesses to the opportunities the rail trail offers, and visitors and residents to the Junction’s assets and amenities:

- Business expansion projects at Faust Cabins, The Enclave B&B, P2s Pub, Tupper Lake Supply, and Fleury's Automotive.

- Installation of green infrastructure; bicycle parking, charging and amenities; and access and site improvements at Raquette River Brewing.

- Mixed-use redevelopment of the former Maroun's Store and Pharmacy buildings on Main Street, with updated commercial space on the street level and housing above.

- Expanded accommodations offerings.

- Private sector site landscaping and green space enhancement at businesses throughout the target area, and

- Public sector streetscape enhancement to “connect the dots” including sidewalks, bike lanes, green space and plantings, wayfinding signage and public art, all linking the Train Station/Adirondack Rail Trail trailhead with the Junction's restaurants, shops, services, lodging and residences.

NY Forward is a new state program for downtown areas in hamlets and villages. Like the DRI, NY Forward applicants must submit a vision for the downtown and a slate of projects to achieve that vision. The Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) reviews the applications and nominates winners. NY Forward awards will be smaller, but more numerous, than the DRI. Rather than one $10 million award per region with the DRI, each Regional Economic Development Council can award up to three awards per region—either two $4.5 million awards, or one $4.5 million award and two $2.25 million awards. More information about the NY Forward program is available at

The Department of State (DOS) and its agency partners then engage the winning communities in a strategic planning process with assistance from a consultant to develop a slate of readily implementable projects.

If you have questions about Tupper Lake’s NY Forward application, please visit the project website at or email Melissa McManus at