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North Country Savings Bank celebrates new branch here

Dan McClelland

North Country Savings Bank, Tupper Lake’s newest lending institution, celebrated its grand opening at its new location in the uptown business at 91 Park with a ribbon-cutting Monday morning. North Country Savings Bank, a mutual savings bank headquartered in Canton, has offices in Malone, Saranac Lake and now here. From left are Jenny Bradish, regional loan originator, Chief Executive Officer Terry Phelon, Steve Thornton of Colton, chief lending officer, Mayor Paul Maroun, Brian Coakley, chief financial officer and a member of the Coakley Hardware family, Courtney Tarbox of Tupper Lake, a loan officer who is working in the new branch, Matt Ellis, who owns the building with partner Emily Martz and Nathan Caster, assistant vice president and regional lending manager. Not shown in the photo above was the firm’s advertising consultants, Carolyn Bordonaro and Tina Dalatorre, of Advertisers Workshop in Lake Placid. (McClelland photo)