Village PD's bike rodeo returns Saturday

The Tupper Lake Police Department and a collection of local organizations and businesses will again present the 2022 version of the Tupper Lake Bike Rodeo and Celebration of Youth this Saturday from 10a.m. to 2p.m. at the Emergency Services Building on Santa Clara Ave. between McLaughlin Ave. and Route 3.

Last month Police Chief Eric Proulx received permission from the village board to close off Santa Clara Ave. for six hours that day- from an hour before to an hour after the annual event.

The fun and safety-oriented event for young bike riders here was created by Patrolman Mike Vaillancourt over a decade ago.

Traditionally it was a way to make sure every kid in Tupper Lake had a bicycle helmet and was familiar with the rules of the roads when riding their bikes.

The event promises to be bigger and better this year, Mr. Vaillancourt and fellow organizers say.

“Flutterbug,” the clown will be back, with some of her time devoted to painting young faces.

Young riders will again be challenged to on-road and off-road courses, navigating traffic cones and other obstacles.

There will again be an inflated bounce house and other giant balloon-style rigs there.

Free helmets will be available to any child who needs one.

-And every child who attends the event will be registered in a drawing for a free bicycle.

As usual too this year there will be plenty to eat and drink- all for free. Kids and their parents can make their own sundaes, courtesy of Stewarts Shop. For others with a hunger for sweets, there will also be free cotton candy and snow cones.

Games will also be on the event's agenda over the four hours that day.

Sponsors this year, in addition to the village PD, include the Woodmen Lodge, the Adirondack Foundation, the Kiwanis Club of Tupper Lake, High Peaks Cyclery, among others.


Scenes from the 2022 Bike Rodeo


“Party on Park” Saturday