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Erin's Easter Egg Hunt set for Saturday

Dan McClelland

Youthful egg hunters are reminded of Saturday's big Easter Egg Hunt at the L.P. Quinn playing fields.

The annual Erin's Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Tupper Lake and the Adirondack Federal Credit Union remembers elementary school teacher Erin Farkas Dewyea, who loved children and who was loved here by many.

Each year the memorial event puts kids in contact with delicious eggs and other goodies in a celebratory way. This year's hunt begins at noon that day.

Toddlers through pre-kindergarten ages will hunt on half the Rotary Club's football field and older children in grades kindergarten to grade two will search for eggs on the other half of the field. Older children in grades 3, 4 and 5 will hunt in front of the school.

The event, as usual, will go off regardless of the weather, so egg hunters are encouraged to come prepared for the weather that day- be it rain, snow, mud or sunshine.

Kids are also asked to bring a basket to fill with their goodies found in the hunt.

Erin's Easter Egg Hunt is free to all children up to and including Grade 5.

The Easter Bunny,will stop by to have his photo taken with the kids.