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“Beauty and the Beast JR” packs the house over weekend

Dan McClelland

by Rich Rosentreter

The Tupper Lake Midde High School’s Red & Black Players attracted large audiences and rave reviews during its showings of Beauty and the Beast JR over the weekend. Each performance was done with a high level of energy, perhaps partly due to the fact that it was the first live, in-person show with the cast not wearing masks since the pandemic began.

Music director Elizabeth Cordes told the Free Press that overall she was thrilled by the performances and especially the support demonstrated by the strong attendance drawn by the shows. The shows were greatly enhanced by the vibrant costumes for many of the characters.

“I’m incredibly proud of the cast and crew for three amazing performances this past weekend! We were very fortunate to also have three terrific audiences, each one nearly filled the auditorium to capacity,” she said. “My sincere thanks to the community for coming out and supporting the Red & Black Players!”

Meika Nadeau and Lowden Pratt were exceptional as the lead characters and kept the crowd captivated and at some points emotional, especially near the end when the beast apparently dies but is shortly resurrected when the Enchantress’ curse is lifted.

But Nadeau and Pratt were not alone on the stage, as the large cast provided many superb moments on the stage. Cody Auclair was very entertaining playing the role of Gaston, as were the supporting roles of Jenna Switzer as LeFou and Karen Bujold as Maurice

The roles of the other characters who were cursed by the Enchantress spiced up the level of the play allowing for some humorous and very entertaining moments. They were Emileigh Smith as Mrs. Potts, Raegan Fritts as Lumiere, Nolan Savage as Cogsworth, Sophia Staves as Madame de la Grande Bouche, Lacey Pickering as Chip and Shae Arsenault as Babette.

Although not in lead roles, the performance featured standout minor roles, but equally important. They were Hannah Barber, Joelle Bedore and Nevaeh Toohey as the Silly Girls, Aubrey Sparks, Haylee Callaghan, Antwon Gachowski and Samantha Flagg as the Narrators and Hailey Bissonette as the Enchantress, Milkmaid and Dance Captain.

Rounding out the large cast was Aubrey Bissonette, Jeevika Branchaud, Eliza Bujold, Ava Facteau, Bug LaVigne, CJ Levey, Dane O'Connor, Rylee Preston, Ayden Rabideau, Bryce Richer, Lyla Robillard, Ghost Switzer, Noah Switzer, Brianna Towne and Sireea Zaidan. Each played a small yet vital role to make the stage full of fun.

The aforementioned were the cast members who were visible for most of the show, however, any performance has a crew who work mainly behind the scenes, yet their participation is critical to the success of a performance. Working on the crew were stage manager Genna Carmichael, assistant stage manager Alison Richer and Hannah Callaghan, Liza Crouse, Mya Fortier, Raegan Hudak, Nick LaPlante, Kelsie Liscum, Morgan Lohr, Rylee Kennedy and Robert Paige and lighting crew Johnathan Jauron, Caydence Flagg and Casper Pratt.

Also helping oversee the production was stage director George Cordes, lighting and technical director David Naone, assistant director Danielle LaMere and choreographer Kendall Davison.