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Red and Black Players to perform Beauty and the Beast Jr.

Dan McClelland

The Red and Black Players of the Tupper Lake Middle/High School will perform Beauty and the Beast JR. at the auditorium at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are available at the door. Children 5 and under admitted free. As restrictions have been eased by the school district, wearing of masks by audience members will be optional for these performances. Pictured is the cast and crew: Meika Nadeau, Lowden Pratt, Cody Auclair, Jenna Switzer, Emileigh Smith, Raegan Fritts, Nolan Savage, Karen Bujold, Shae Arsenault, Sophia Staves, Lacey Pickering, Hannah Barber, Joelle Bedore, Nevaeh Toohey, Aubrey Sparks, Haylee Callaghan, Antwon Gachowski, Samantha Flagg, Hailey Bissonette, Aubrey Bissonette, Jeevika Branchaud, Eliza Bujold, Ava Facteau, Bug LaVigne, CJ Levey, Dane O'Connor, Rylee Preston, Ayden Rabideau, Bryce Richer, Lyla Robillard, Ghost Switzer, Noah Switzer, Brianna Towne and Sireea Zaidan. The crew is: Genna Carmichael, Alison Richer, Hannah Callaghan, Liza Crouse, Mya Fortier, Raegan Hudak, Nick LaPlante, Kelsie Liscum, Morgan Lohr and Robert Paige. Lighting crew is Johnathan Jauron, Caydence Flagg and Casper Pratt. (Rich Rosentreter photos)