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9Th Annual Erin Dewyea Turkey Trot back in person this Thanksgiving

Dan McClelland

The 9Th Annual Erin Dewyea Turkey Trot is returning in person this year, and organizers couldn’t be happier.

The race will be held on Thanksgiving morning, 11/24/2022 at the Tupper Lake Christian Center 102 Main Street in Tupper Lake. The doors will open at 8:30a.m. with the race to start at 9a.m. The cost to register this year is as follows:

$35 for the 10K run, and $25 for the 5K run and walk.

There will be prizes for the first place 10K male and female runner, first place 5K male and female runner and walker, as well as prizes for the best individual costume, team costume, and child costume and even a prize for the “turkey who got away” (last place).

Thanks as always goes out in advance of the event for all the community’s support in helping Erin’s family and friends continue honor her memory. The continued support is greatly beneficial in funding Erin’s scholarship fund as well as all of her passions around the community of Tupper Lake.

For those interested in registering, organizers are accepting cash, check, Venmo, PayPal and Cash App as forms of payment. Please contact Nicole Boyer at 315-730-0119. You can call or text her at any time. This year’s organizers look forward to seeing everyone on Thanksgiving morning.