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County COVID numbers high

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

COVID is raging across Franklin County with the number of positive cases over the weekend approaching 300.

“Our numbers aren't good...they are way up!” is how County Legislator Paul Maroun explained, detailing the current county trend in the pandemic.

COVID cases are up too in Tupper Lake, but he said he didn't have exact numbers, due to the way the county health department is now reporting.

The way the department reports active cases is due to change soon, so he'll have exact numbers from Tupper to report each week, he said.

This week there are 21 children in the county under four years of age who have tested positive for the virus. Among children five years to seven years, there are 47 active cases now in Franklin County. There are 37 youngsters between seven and 17 with COVID, he reported.

He also noted that the health department is planning a booster clinic in Tupper Lake in early February for children from the age of 12 to 17. The clinic date will be announced soon, he promised. It will likely be held at the local Emergency Services Building on Santa Clara Ave.

“People need to try to get vaccinated and boosted to fight the virus. That's the best thing for people to do at this point!” he asserted.

The village office, he said, has a supply of “tight fitting N-95 masks” available to the public. He speculated they might be best suited for children or smaller adults.