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Jacks play first hockey game in years; fall in opener but win second match

Dan McClelland

By Rich Rosentreter

The Tupper Lake Lumberjacks varsity hockey team hit the ice for the first time since the 2015-16 season as they started a new campaign on home ice, unfortunately the locals dropped the opener 11-2 on December 1 to the Potsdam Sandstoners. The local boys, however, bounced back on December 3 with a 4-3 triumph over the Norwood-Norfolk Flyers. The win was the first for Tupper Lake since topping Malone during the 2015 season.

Against the Sandstoners, the ‘Jacks fell behind early and appeared to become demoralized after being pumped up when the puck was dropped to start the action.

Potsdam jumped out to a 4-0 lead in the first period, and as the period ended, first-year coach Broyce Guerette said his team may have been rattled by opening night nerves.

“We had some breakdowns on defense,” he told the Free Press on his way to the locker room. “The defense needs to pull it together. We need to show a lot more hustle. We’re a good team, we should be doing better.”

In the second period, however, Potsdam kept up the pressure and piled up the goals with a sense of confidence against the ‘Jacks and netted four more goals to take a commanding 8-0 lead.

Tupper Lake was finally able to get on the scoreboard with 6:33 left in second period when Jack Desmarais got the first Tupper Lake goal of the game – and first in several years.

First win

On Friday, Tupper Lake traveled to Norwood-Norfolk to take on the Flyers, a team they hadn’t beaten since the 1990s. But this time, there were no opening night jitters as the ‘Jacks notched their first victory in years – which was also a triumph for the school’s hockey program.

Tupper Lake Athletic Director Dan Brown weighed in on how important of a win it was.

“As far as the win, it's great to see obviously. The kids and parents have been waiting for this for a long time!” he said. “It makes everyone proud any time we get a win, but a come-from-behind win, for the first win in five years - that’s something special.”

Game statistics were not available as of press time.

The Jacks played a home game Monday against Ogdensburg. The team hits the ice again tonight with a road game against Massena then returns home for a noon matchup Saturday against Salmon River.