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Moose on the Loose around town

Dan McClelland

There's plenty of colorful, two-dimensional moose around town this week as part of Tupper Lake Arts “Moose on the Loose” project. More than 30 special moose, hand-painted by many local artists, are scattered around town in front of many local businesses.

The following photos show a sample of the great pieces.

The moose will be all herded up today and corralled in two places: on Thursday at Raquette River Brewing from noon to closing and Friday in the municipal park across from McDonald's from noon to 5p.m.

There art lovers can participate in a silent auction of the unique animals. All proceeds will benefit Tupper Arts and its great work here. Auction winners will be announced Friday.

They will be available for pick-up by the high bidders at the arts center on Park St. Saturday and Sunday.