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Fourteen new cases of COVID in county this week, no new ones in Tupper Lake

Dan McClelland

by Dan McClelland

There are currently 119 active COVID-19 cases in Franklin County, as of yesterday. Of the total there were 14 new cases.

In his weekly report, County Legislator Paul Maroun said of the 14 new cases this week, none were in Tupper Lake. “There was one in Malone, one was from Constable, and the balance were from the Bare Hill Correctional Facility.” He said this was the first time in recent weeks there has not been a new case from Tupper Lake.

County health officials reported this week there were 31 new cases over the weekend with the 14 added on Monday. There are apparently nearly 1,100 residents across the county either in isolation or in quarantine as of yesterday.

Mr. Maroun said Tupper Lake's active cases haven't decreased in recent days.

“Right now there's 29 active COVID cases in Tupper Lake. There are 137 people currently quarantined or in isolation here.”