Decorative concrete sections to be replaced like new
by Dan McClelland
Several pieces of missing decorative concrete in the uptown area which saw the extensive highway redo by the state two summers ago will be replaced like new this summer, a local resident was assured last week when the village board convened.
One block of the salmon-colored concrete with its decorative markings was removed in front of the Chinese restaurant on Park Street last summer and another section is missing near the corner of Wawbeek Ave. and Broad Street.
Jim Lanthier, well known local photographer, asked the village board Wednesday about any plans to repair them, adding: “-And will they be repaired to their original state?”
Mayor Paul Maroun said they would be.
Water and Sewer Superintendent Mark Robillard explained his crew was “mapping out” the water connections along the improved state corridor last summer to update his department's records but several of the water shut offs couldn't be found.
The crew was successful finding a shut off under the sidewalk in front the Tupper Lake Free Press office with its metal detecter without having to tear up the sidewalk.
But another in front of the Chinese restaurant was more difficult to locate.
Mr. Robillard said they were getting “hits” with their device there and so excavated the one concrete section.
When it couldn't be found, the general contractor on the state job, Kubricky, was summoned to help and that crew also excavated a plot with a tree planted in it next to the concrete piece where the shut-off device was found.
Mr. Robillard assured Mr. Lanthier that any and all repairs would return those sections to their original state.
Trustee Ron LaScala echoed that, noting the concrete color would be matched, as would the shallow nature markings. The village apparently was given the decorative concrete stamp used to make those markings.
“-And the corner of Wawbeek and Broad?” Mr. Lanthier pressed.
“Like original,” the trustee assured him, noting the damage had been done by the Verizon company's contractor, Morrisonville Electric, in order to complete the installation of the cellular company's new infrastructure there.
Mr. Lanthier said he appreciated the village's attention to his concerns.